Smiles We Meet Along the Way

On our trip a few weeks ago, the Jumping Bean (JB) and I met an amazing person on the plane between Kansas and Maryland. Not only was this gentleman responsible for make sure airplanes can find the runway when it cloudy or rainy, he also was also on his way to give some bone marrow to his brother.

JB and I were both taken in by Mr. Smile’s explanation of what all the signs on the runways mean, what all the little buildings and towers are at the airport, and what happened to set him on his current journey.

As we were getting off the plane, JB offered Mr. Smile a Stop.Breathe.Smile magnet. It turns out that JB had met Mr. Smile’s son at the Kansas City airport. Mr. Smile’s son walked away with a magnet, too. I’d like to think there might be a few more refrigerators where we are reminded to stop, breathe,and smile.

JB and I are sending our smiles and best wishes to Mr. Smile and his family and ever grateful for each airplane that arrives its destination safely.

Please remember to stop, breathe, smile, and pass it on.

About Jules

Prairie-born artist learning to live in the trees and creating paradise in our backyard while listening to the music of a big-hearted, growing boy discovering the world and writing a few songs of her own.
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2 Responses to Smiles We Meet Along the Way

  1. I love this story, Jules. It made me smile, thinking about this man that you and JP had met, and the impact your love had on his life, not just that one plane ride, but for many days to come. xo

Where did your Stop.Breathe.Smile moment take you today?