Recess! Trees!

  1. Smile.
  2. ImageRead this and then stand up.
  3. Walk outside
  4. Find a tree
  5. Get close
  6. Touch it. Climb it. Notice how it moves.
  7. Thank the tree.
  8. Skip, dance, run, or jump back inside
  9. Smile.
  10. Breathe.
  11. Sit down.
  12. Take a deep breath.
  13. Let it out.
  14. Take a sip of water.
  15. Smile.

Thank you from the heavy sunflowers, the blushing tomatoes, the cooling breezes, and the warm sun. The person sitting next to you thanks you too.

Repeat as long and as often as you like.

About Jules

Prairie-born artist learning to live in the trees and creating paradise in our backyard while listening to the music of a big-hearted, growing boy discovering the world and writing a few songs of her own.
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