Redesigning a Smile

A few weeks ago, I had braces put on. I had no idea how it would change my facial expressions–especially my smile. I looked I was frowning all the time. I was devastated. I am almost always wearing some sort of a smile. I’ve smiled so much the corners of my mouth curve up even when I’m not smiling.

So I practiced smiling. I practiced a lot. When I smiled, the brackets wore sores in my cheeks. My mouth hurt! My smile was awkward, and as I’ve practiced, I have my smile back. My smile isn’t the same and I need to concentrate more on keeping my mouth out of frown. I’m doing it and it gets easier every day.

Smiling even without braces took practice for me. What’s keeping your smile down? Please remember: Keep practicing your smile and pass it on.

About Jules

Prairie-born artist learning to live in the trees and creating paradise in our backyard while listening to the music of a big-hearted, growing boy discovering the world and writing a few songs of her own.
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Where did your Stop.Breathe.Smile moment take you today?